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Blog sharing knowledge about computer science, math, data structures & algorithms, competitive programming, study tips to be an excellent student at university, and more.

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Top 5 popular posts

Computer Science

🏆 Learn about math concepts like Linear Algebra, Statistical Probability, the fundamentals of ML through intuitive explanations, clean code, and visualizations.

Competitive Programing

🏆 Learn about program language, data structures & algorithms, practice thinking with problems to master competitive programming contest.

Who is csBlog for?

Industry 4.0 is the dawn of the fast thinker and dare to change,
the sunset of the hard-working and slow.

Software engineers

looking to learn ML and become even better software engineers. ML is integrated into increasingly more products so it's important to know how ML systems operate.

Data scientists

who want to want to go way beyond developing models in a notebook to wrapping them around robust workflows that enable ML systems to improve over time.

College graduates

looking to learn the practical skills they'll need for the industry and bridge gap between their university curricilum and what industry expects them to know about ML systems.

Product managers

who want to develop a technical foundation in MLOps so they can effectively communicate with their technical team and help develop and iterate on applications.

About me

Pham Vu Tuan Dat Logo

Hi, I'm Pham Vu Tuan Dat

  • I am a former student majoring in Physics at Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted in Dien Bien.

    After that, I studied the Computer Science program, course K66 at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). If you want to know what it's like to study at HUST, keep an eye on csBlog!

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